
7. 2. 2025, Radio Slovenija, Val 202, participation in the show “Vroči mikrofon” – Dr. Mirela Dragomir

12. 12. 2024, Delo: Vpogled v material, ne le do atomov, temveč še globlje

4. 12. 2024, Radio Študent, Interwiev with Prof. Hana Uršič

28. 11. 2024, Zois Award 2024: Andreja Benčan Golob

28. 11. 2024, Dnevnik, Podelili državne nagrade za izjemne znanstvene in raziskovalne dosežke

14. 10. 2024, RTV SLO, Zoisove nagrade in priznanja 2024

18. 1. 2024, Delo: Growing crystals and creating new materials

31. 12. 2023, MSCA-NET: Widening Countries Inspirational Stories, interview with Asst. Prof. Mirela Dragomir

29. 9. 2023, Interview with Asst. Prof. Mirela Dragomir in the frame of European Researcher’s Night

25. 3. 2023, RTV SLO, programme VAL 202, Open days at the Jožef Stefan Institute

22. 4. 2021, RTV SLO, programme Prvi, Show “On short”: Futorology

1. 1. 2021, RTV SLO, programme ARS, show “Images of Knowledge”

1. 12. 2020, TV Slovenija 2: documentary film: Peaks of  Slovenian science in the light of the winners of exceptional achievements in the year 2020

31. 7. 2020, RTV SLO, programme ARS, show “Images of knowledge”

27. 3. 2019, Planet TV, Ultracool lab

26. 3. 2019, Youtube, 70th JSI Anniversary 

22. 2. 2019, RTV SLO, programme ARS, show “Images of knowledge”

26. 12. 2018, The most visible achievements of the Jožef Stefan Institute in 2018

27. 11. 2018, Zois awards on the fields of Science and Research

27. 11. 2018, Dnevnik: Slovenia has awarded top achiewements in Science and Technology

28. 9. 2018, RTV SLO, programme First, show “Studio at 17:00”

8. 12. 2017, VideoLectures.NET: doc. dr. Andreja Benčan Golob, Electrical conductivity of the domain walls in bismuth ferrite

10. 10. 2017,  STA: Presentation of achievements in the field of technology at SAZU

21. 04. 2017, Awardees of the Director’s Fund, JSI

6. 04. 2017, TV Slovenija 3: Broadcast Točka preloma

28. 03. 2017, The first laboratory in Europe, in which the ceramics will be treated at room temperature

16. 1. 2017, VideoLectures.NET: prof. dr. Goran Dražič, doc., dr. Tadej Rojac Conductivity of the domain walls in bismuth ferrite

23. 12. 2016, VideoLectures.NET: prof. dr.  Barbara Malič Development of cordierite ceramics with a reproducible and low coefficient of linear thermal expansion

5. 12. 2016,  Slovenian researchers with an important achievement in the field of materials

08. 12. 2016,  The missing link of electrical conductivity in bismuth ferrite

18. 11. 2014, Nanotechnology for greater energy efficiency

01. 10. 2014, Providing electricity by walking and vibrations

01. 01. 2013, RTV Slovenija: Year 2012 was the year of science

28. 3. 2013, VideoLectures.NET: Darko Belavič  Procedure for creating cavities in ceramic multilayer structures: presentation of scientific achievements 2011

2. 12. 2012, VideoLectures.NET: prof. dr. Barbara Malič Nanoceramics in electronics: synthesis, properties, application and development