Photo credit by: Marjan Verč
The Electronic Ceramics Department is active in the research, development and education in the field of synthesis, properties and applications of materials for electronics.

Requirements such as multifunctionality and the use of environmentally friendly materials and processes has become very important in addition to the classical requirements of electronics, such as miniaturization and reliability of electronic components and their integration into devices. Progress of nanoscience and nanotechnology requires new approaches in materials research, such as innovative synthetic and processing routes in obtaining particles and layers of nano- and micrometre dimensions, studies of chemical and physical interactions, and tailoring functional properties of materials by controlling the chemical composition, synthesis and processing parameters and the structure on macro-, micro- and nano-levels.
Our mission:
Our aim is to be a leading research group performing excellent science in the field of materials for electronics. We collaborate with groups from complementary fields, such as condensed matter physics and electronics both in Slovenia and abroad. Furthermore, we strive to act as an efficient link between the academia and industry, and to be active in education both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.