Tina Ručigaj

18. December 2018

Lovro Fulanović has successfully defended the doctoral dissertation

On December 18, 2018 our colleague Lovro Fulanović has successfully defended the doctoral disertation entitled: Relaxor-ferroelectric-based ceramic multilayer elements for viable electrocaloric cooling. Congratulations!
4. December 2018

Projects INTcerSEN and PiezoMEMS have been awarded the title of “Sucess story M-ERA.NET”

M-ERA.NET is an EU funded network which has been established in 2012 to support and increase the coordination of European research and innovation programmes and related […]
3. December 2018

Asst. Prof. Tadej Rojac received the Zois Award

On November  27, 2018, our colleague Asst. Prof. Tadej Rojac received the Zois Award for significant achievements in research of the synthesis and characterization of high-temperature […]
23. November 2018

Publication in Nature Communications

In collaboration with colleagues from Australia, Switzerland and France, Asst. Prof. Tadej Rojac from the Electronic Ceramics Department published a paper in Nature Communications entitled »Frequency-dependent […]