Laboratory drier (maximum temperature 300 °C)
(SP-25 Easy, Kambič; LSP-40C, Kambič)
Vacuum drier
(Vacutherm, Heraeus Instruments)
Isostatic press (up to 80 °C and 400 Mpa)
(Flow Autoclave systems)
Automatic mortar
(AS 200 digit, Retsch)
Attritor mill
Uniaxial press
(PW 40, P/O/WEBER GmbH)
Colloid ball mill
(Netzsch MiniCer)
Planetary mill
(Pulverisette 4, Fritsch)
Chamber furnace
Hot press
Chamber furnace for sintering in different atmospheres
Planetary mill
(PM 200, Retsch)
Helium pycnometer
(AccuPyc II 1340, Micromeritics)
Optical noncontact dilatometer (up to 1500 °C)
(Leitz Wetzlar)
Ball crusher
(MillMix20, Tehtnica Domel d.o.o., MM400, Retsch)
High-temperature furnace for heating up to 1500 °C in different atmospheres
(PLF 160/7, Protherm)
Laser granulometer
(S3500, Microtrac)
Tube furnace for high-temprature heating up to 1500 °C in different atmospheres
Laser granulometer
(Microtrac SYNC 2B1R)