Optical microscope
Zeiss Axio Imager M2m
Manufacturer: Carl Zeiss d.o.o.
Year of purchase: 2023
Purchase was partly funded in the frame of »Paket 21«, ARIS
Axio Imager M2m is a motorised microscope with high optical performance for automated material analysis. It allows material examination in transmitted light: bright-field and polarisation; and reflected light: bright-field, polarisation and circular differential interference contrast (C-DIC). The C-DIC technique uses circularly polarized light for identification of differently oriented object structures. The microscope’s motorized stand, linked with 5 megapixel camera and the ZEN Core software, enables extended focus for depth visualization and reproducible illumination settings for constant image quality. The ZEN Core software allows control of the motorized and coded microscope components, along with image postprocessing (for grain size, porosity, anisotropy and other microstructure parameters).
Responsible person: Mojca Otoničar, mojca.otonicar@ijs.si
Equipment location: Laboratory K595, electronic ceramics department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova c. 39, 1000 Ljubljana
Requested level of experience: To be discussed with responsible person
Equipment reservation: To be discussed with responsible person