Screen printing machine
Model: P-250AVF
Manufacturer: KEKO Equipment ltd.
Year of purchase: 2023
Purchase was partly funded in the frame of »Paket 21«, ARIS
The P-250AVF screen printing machine was partly funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency.
The screen printing machine is designed to print structures of complex geometry with a thickness of up to ~200 micrometres on a variety of substrates (ceramic, unfired ceramic, glass, polymer, textiles) ranging in size from 50 mm to 200 mm. The screen printing process involves attaching the substrate to the device holder by a vacuum. The dispersion is then pressed through a mask onto the substrate using a squeegee, and the resulting pattern corresponds to the geometry of the mask pattern.
This equipment enables a computer-controlled printing process with an automatic optical alignment system. The mechanical positioning repeatability is up to ±5 μm, ensuring precise and accurate printing. The machine features a lifting print head with a servo motor drive, as well as a double squeegee head that allows for automatic and controlled adjustment of the squeegee parameters including height up to 50 mm, force ranging from 0 to 250 N, and speed from 0 to 350 mm/s. The double vacuum system integrated into the vacuum table enables the printing of viafill. The machine has been designed with safety and health standards, ensuring a safe working environment for operators.
Responsible person: Danjela Kuščer, danjela.kuscer@ijs.si
Equipment location: : Laboratory K583, Electronic Ceramics Department, IJS, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana
Requested level of experience: Training is required to use the equipment.
Equipment reservation: to be discussed with responsible person