TITLE: Advanced electrocaloric energy conversion
PERIOD: 1.3.2016 – 28.02.2019
HEAD: Ass. Prof. Andrej Kitanovski
- Jožef Stefan Institute
- KEKO Equipment ŽužembeK
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
FUNDED BY: Slovenian Research Agency
ABSTRACT: The goal of the project is to design, numerically and experimentally verify and optimize the electrocaloric refrigeration device with the refrigeration power up to 50 W. More
SIGNIFICANCE FOR SCIENCE: With the research and development of the electrocaloric refrigerator we will gain knowledge and experiences in domains of characterization of electrocaloric materials, processing of electrocaloric materials with electrodes, design and construction of electrocaloric regenerators and design and construction of electrocaloric devices. More
SIGNIFICANCE FOR SLOVENIA: With the help of dissemination of the project results, important information on efficient energy use and potential environmentally friendly solutions to existing refrigerants will be given to experts as well as the broader public. More