Prof. Dr. Danjela Kuščer
Scientific Councellor
email: danjela.kuscer@ijs.si
p: +386 1 477 3489
1999: PhD in Material Science, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
1992: BSc in Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
2016-1017 (3 months): Invited researcher at Université François-Rabelais/GREMAN/CNRS,Tours, France.
2010-2013: Senior Researcher Fellow, Centre of Excellence NAMASTE (20 %)
2008 - : Senior Researcher Fellow, Electronic Ceramics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
2003 - 2008: Researcher Fellow, Electronic Ceramics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
2000 - 2003: Researcher with Ph.D.,Electronic Ceramics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
1995 and 1996 (3 months): guest researcher at Forszungszentrum Juelich, Germany
1992 - 2000: Assistant, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ceramic Department, Ljubljana
2020-: Associate Professor, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2009-2020: Assistant Professor, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2021 Srebrno priznanje for the innovation “Manufacturing of invisible interconnections from solutions of low-cost conductive oxides by screen printing” awarded by Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Zasavje
2016 Excellent in Science 2016, field technology, Slovenian Research Agency (coauthor of the achievement “Cordierite ceramic with controlled and reproducible linear thermal expansion coefficient ”
2016 Silver award for the innovation “Neporous cordierite material C 410 for electrotechnic”, awarded by Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Zasavje
2015 Puh recognition awarded by Republic Slovenia for important achivements in research of alumo-silicate ceramic
2015 Silver national award for the innovation »Development of advanced steatite materials« awarded by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia in September
2015 Gold award for the innovation »Development of advanced steatite materials« awarded by Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Zasavje
2014 Silver award for the innovation »New cordirite material C410 for electrotechnic and its processing« awarded by Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Zasavje
International projects (leader):
- 2021-2022: KET4Clean production, KET4CP-SME2020-08-No34: PICOS “Manufacturing of invisible interconnections from solutions of low-cost transparent conduction oxides by screen printing”.
- 2012-2016: 7 EU FP CERAMPOL “Ceramic and polymeric membrane for water purification of heavy metal and hazardous organic compounds”.
- 2012-2015: PI-Piezo Institut “European expert centre for multifunctional and integrated piezoelectric devices”.
- 2006-2010: 6 OP EU MULTIFLEXIOXIDES “Multicomponent oxides for flexible and transparent electronics”.
- 2005-2008: 6 OP EU CELINA “Fuel cell application in a new configured aircraft”.
- 2008 INVISIBLE, Synchotrone Elletra, Trst, Italy.
- 2004-2006: EZPLATE “Switchable Surfaces for Use in Truly Processless (Wet) Offset Printing Plates” (IWT 030537)
International projects (researcher):
- 2010-2014: EU FP7 ORAMA “Oxide materials toward a matured post silicon electronics era”
- 2010-2013: EU FP7 APOSTILE "Reinforcement of Research Potentials of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in the Field of Post Silicon Electronics" REGPOT-2010-5
- 2009-2012: 6EU FP MICROFLEX “Micro fabrication production technology for MEMS on new emerging smart textiles/flexibles”.
- 2008-2010: EU FP6 Network of Excellence MIND “Multifunctional and integrated piezoelectric devices”
- 2001-2004: EU FP5 PIRAMID “High Sensitivity Novel Plezoceramics for Advanced Applications - Textured, Thick Films and Multilayer Structures”.
- 2002-2006 : EU FP5 CERAMOS “Innovative ceramic processing”, Marie Curie Training Site.
- 2001-2006: EU FP5 POLECER “Polar Electroceramics”, Thematic network.
Bilateral projects (leader)
- 2010-2011: SLO-Poland (BI-PL/10-11-013) “Investigation of advanced deposition technologies for interconnections in organic and flexible electronics”.
- 2016-2017: SLO-France (BI-FR/16-17-PROTEUS-009) “Fabrication and modelling of integrated piezoelectric structures for high frequency ultrasound applications”.
- 2019-2021: SLO-France (BI-FR / 19-20-PROTEUS-008) “Environmental-benign sodium potassium niobate –based thick films for piezoelectric energy harvesting applications”
National projects (leader)
- 2021-2024: (ARRS, J2-3049): MISS PES “Microfluidic sensor system for pesticide detection”
- 2020: SINTEK “Preparation of synthetic blood substitute for testing medical equipment” Project of Inovation Fund CTT IJS, 2020, PR-08323.
- 2010-2013: “Project of new opportunities”, Centre of Excellence NAMASTE.
- 2006-2008 (M2-0101): HyMIV “Fuel cells as an auxiliary energy source for military applications s (subproject: Auxiliary power supply systems based on fuel cells)”
Applied projects:
- 2022: (PR-11794) PREPLAST “Transparent conductive thin films on glass”; RC eNeM 7.3.2022 – 31.8.2022
- 2020-2021: Application project U4-KE-K5-39/20: “Research and development for various industrial partners”.
- 2016-2017: “Rapid firing of C410 cordierite ceramic” RC eNeM
- 2015-2016: “Research of silicate technical ceramics” RC eNeM
- 2014-2015: “Stable aqueous suspensions for processing of steatite-based electro technical elements” RC eNeM
- 2012-2014: “Research of C410, C520, C530 cordierite materials” RC eNeM
- 2012-2014: “Research of C220, C221, C230 steatite materials” RC eNeM
- 2013-2014: “Nanomaterials in ceramic– feasibility study” RC eNeM